Monday, August 4, 2014

Nagoya World Cosplay Summit 2014

Oasis 21 Mascot Poses With Cosplayers
The World Cosplay Summit was held in Nagoya over the weekend. While the events went on in Oasis 21, we were able to get some views from the players, spectators, and passersby. Other sites have all the nice stories and how it was all fun and good times, but there is another side that is always left untold. This is what we were told by those who see things a bit different.

Beverly, from USA and Cosplayer
It's about having fun dressing up as your favorite character and having fun in imagination. There is absolutely nothing wrong with cosplaying. It is like being someone different for a little while from the same person you are all the time. To get lost in imagination from the real world that absolutely sucks.

Michael, from Canada and Cosplayer
Some Japanese cosplayers have been making rude comments to the non Japanese cosplayers. I think they need to lighten up and enjoy themselves. Cosplay is not one culture or country, it is about coming together to show love of anime and love of fantasy.

Shoji, Company Employee
I have no problem with this, but I do wonder why these people spend so much time on what is an obsession with fantasy and not helping our society. I mean we have a deflation spiral due to unemployed youth not entering the work force, and a population problem due to people not having kids. I think these people need to get priorities right.

Miki, College Student and Cosplayer
There were too many foreigners here this year. It was no fun because of them. They were being rude, getting too drunk, and acting obnoxious. I wish they would leave our culture in Japan alone, or act like this in their own countries. The gaijin are ruining it for us Japanese.

Keiko, Housewife
I think it is good for young people to have fun, but there comes a time when they must become adults. I am concerned about all the over 20 year olds I see. I am also concerned about the public drunkenness. This seems to be causing troubles for local people here in Sakae just wanting to shop and not be harassed by mobs of costume clad immature adults.

Jim, from the UK
Honestly, is it Halloween? I mean these are adults? What a bunch of immature adults.

Paul, from Australia and Cosplayer
I saved and saved to come to Nagoya this year. I wanna get drunk, get some Japanese girls and go wild. I don't do this back home so I want to do all I can here.

Taro, Cosplayer
We Japanese are having no fun this year. Drunken foreigners have ruined everything for us. Look over there at all those foreigners passed out on the grass or puking. I wish they would stay away.

Jung, from China
I suppose they should have their fun before they work on our collective farms and factories after we take control of Japan. You can party it up now but work tomorrow.

Kyutaro, Retired
This is ridiculous. They should be working and raising families, and these foreigners should be back in their countries working and raising families. This is the problem with today, too much play and not enough work.

Kyle, from USA dressed as Captain Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribbean
I know people think it's stupid but it's just dressing up for fun and meeting people with the same interests and by making it to the different cosplays. It learns us how to sew and if you want to be a costume/fashion designer those talents are crucial. There are a lot of bullies in the cosplay community and honestly the cosplayers are just trying to have fun. Some think it is like a religion that needs certain details and some Japanese cosplayers here think the foreigners do not belong. We don't mock your interests so why make fun of ours? I do understand some cosplayers can be ridiculous though.

Megumi, College student
Leave the cosplaying to Japanese people. Believe me, when we do it it looks original, it's part of our pop culture. Why are so many westerners all of a sudden into Anime and Japanese culture? It's like an invasion of Japanese wannabes. I also hate having to see a fat white woman dressed up as a Japanese school girl, it looks disgusting and ridiculous. 

While many had fun others used the Cosplay Summit to protest a number of issues. One protest was against the restart of nuclear power plants. Another was against the TPP. This protest below was against Chinese claims of islands claimed by Japan in the South China Sea.

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